Feng Shui Articles

The Semiotics & Inherent Fallacy Of Feng Shui Items

Ah, yes, Feng Shui items. If the universe was a living entity with a digestive system and it took a shit, it'll come out as Feng Shui items. Let me start off by saying that Feng Shui items are scams and do not work, and I will try to argue my point in this post....

Feng Shui Flying Stars & Everything You Need To Know About Feng Shui Period 9

Everyone is talking about Feng Shui Period 9 right now. I get it. It is perhaps the most significant celestial and astrological event of 2024. Or is it really 2024? The situation we're dealing with right now is as though someone gave birth but forgot she had a baby -...

Astrology’s Purpose & The Pitfalls Of Spiritual Narcissism

It is 6:45 AM now on 15th February'23 as I am penning down this first sentence and I'll probably take a few days to finish this post. I woke up at 6 AM, couldn't fall back to sleep, and suddenly felt a surge of inspiration to write. I've always said that the blog...

Don’t Call Me A “Feng Shui Master”: The Theory And Astronomy Of Feng Shui

Feng Shui has always been a bit of a bane in the Chinese metaphysics industry because it's the part which gets weaponized as a tool to scam the most. It has been going on for decades and worsens each year. I don't think I need to remind anyone of the stories I've been...