Love Articles

Saving Yourself A Heartbreak With Qi Men Dun Jia (奇门遁甲)

Hey everyone! Well, technically Chinese New Year is over but here's another belated Chinese New Year greeting! Hope everyone has had a good time with friends and family. What a weird start to the new year with the coronavirus outbreak and all. I'm going to talk...

Introduction To Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ/奇门遁甲): Catching A Cheating Spouse

I'm pretty sure the title of this post caught the attention of a lot of people. A bit clickbaity I know. Sorry! But then again, if you have friends who are on platforms like Tinder and Coffee Meets Bagel, and they are wondering if someone is the right match, they...

Spouses Who Bring ‘Good Luck’ – A Chinese Metaphysics Perspective

Happy Valentine's Day! My goodness, I have never spent so much on flowers before. Dynamic pricing, indeed. I'm still in the midst of clearing my Chinese New Year backlog but I thought I'd squeeze in some time to write a post on love and relationships since it's...

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility: Is It Legit? Should You Worry?

I wrote about BaZi compatibility quite some time ago and introduced how a proper analysis is done usually. There's one thing I realized I didn't cover and it's been a question that's been cropping up quite often during my BaZi consultations these days, which is...