This is an admin update to let everyone know the changes in how I'll be conducting my consultations, some fee...

This is an admin update to let everyone know the changes in how I'll be conducting my consultations, some fee...
I can't tell you how happy and fulfilled I am right now. Everyone, meet Lucian. Lucian stems from the word “light” in...
I'm on paternity leave. There are no BaZi reports or Q&As due, so I thought it made sense for me to write and pen...
This year-end blog post is almost 15,000 words long. I suggest you find somewhere quiet if you wish to read it. You...
This post is nothing technical nor philosophical. It's been a while since I wrote something personal and reflective,...
It's Been 10 Years & I'm Going Through A Phase It just dawned upon me that I've been doing this job for almost a...
I think this has been the longest I've gone without blogging. I took so long to pen something down for a couple of...
In case anyone's wondering what I was thinking about in the feature picture - I was thinking about dinner (BBQ?...
Hi everyone, Before I start, if you've not followed me on my Instagram page, I'd like to invite you to do so. I'm...
Hello everyone! It's that time of the month again when I struggle to write something impactful but have a hard time...
It just dawned upon me that the A-Level results were released today. It certainly brings back memories, and I can't...
Hi everyone, Don't worry. This isn't going to be one of those thesis-length posts you usually get. I'm finally able to...
Hello everyone! I was sitting on the fence thinking about whether I should write a post regarding my Rice Media...
Happy New Year, everyone! What a year 2020 has been. It's hard to put in one sentence what 2020 has taught me...
Hello everyone! It's been a while. I haven't been in the mood to blog for a while now. There's usually a period each...
Before I begin, I just want to give everyone a heads up that this current blog is meant as a means for me to...
For my overseas readers, the "Circuit Breaker" is the Singapore government's initiative to impose movement...
Hi everyone! Nothing important for this post and it's really just on an FYI basis. I did an Instagram Live interview...
Table Of Contents Transcending Charts Who Or What Determines What I Deserve Then? Transcending Charts Differ From...
I hope everyone's coping well with the current COVID-19 situation and everyone has not gone insane from staying at...
It just dawned upon me that it’s not just another new year, but a new decade as well and what a decade it has been....
Hi everyone! This is my 100th blog post so there's no surprise this entry is going to be a personal one. It didn't...
Hey everyone! If you're wondering why I've not blogged in a while, it's because I've been busy with my house...
Hey everyone! I probably won't have the bandwidth to blog much till the Chinese New Year peak season is over, but I...
Happy New Year! This feels somewhat like an obligatory post since I've always written something to recap how my year...
Hey everyone! It seems like the year 2018 is not done with me yet. Yes, I'm still rather busy balancing the various...
Hey everyone! Before I start penning down my thoughts. I just want everyone to read this in a light-hearted tone. My...
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to tell everyone I finally got myself a house! I'm praying all the paperwork goes...
Hi everyone, This is a personal, rambling post, so it's going to be pretty messy and unstructured, and do pardon my...
Hey everyone! Quick update! I spent a bit of time in my previous post talking about how I function in terms...
Hey everyone! Just a quick update on a few administrative matters. I'm starting to have to deal with things that I...
Hey everyone! This is going to be a really short article on something that caught my by surprise. I don't really want...
I know it's been a while since I blogged, and the reason why I haven't is because I've been so flooded. This uplift...