Finding Your Ideal House

Feng Shui House hunt | 择宅


The house we end up staying in is fated.

 Whether it involves a practitioner or not, well, I won’t know.

Why House Hunt?

The Rationale Behind

House Hunting

If you believe in Feng Shui and the laws that govern this ancient art, it’s only natural that you ought to think that these laws extend to all things – including our lives and what fate has in store for us.

The laws that bind us and the environment we live in are the same. Most people who are into feng shui but never once thought that the houses they live in are fated, and the story their house’s paint is an exact parallel to what their astrological charts depict. This notion isn’t anything new. The Chinese sages and our ancestors also believed in this. Where you end up staying – is fated.

Peace Of Mind

Purchasing a house is a huge commitment. You’ll be spending hundreds of thousands and even millions on it.

It makes sense to make sure you get a good one.


Uplifting Your Life

We are all born with weaker aspects of our lives.

Feng shui is not a magical cure for everything but it will still help with the weaker areas if applied correctly.



Taking Control

Purchasing a house first and inviting a practitioner later to fix the problems afterwards is not the way it works.

We can’t change the layout of the house nor the orientation of the building. Focus on getting a good house from the start.


There’s A Story Behind This

Why I Provide House Hunting Services

I take a traditional approach to Feng Shui and focus on the fundamental theories and knowledge passed down by the Chinese sages.

I do not believe in the idea of colours and items changing one’s life, and I’ve seen enough cases and experimented enough to know this. There is absolutely no basis for this. A mere item as a personification of Chinese folklore and symbols cannot alter nature’s laws. To me, Feng Shui items are scams brought about by human greed and the commercialization of Chinese metaphysics. I’ve written countless articles to dispute claims that Feng Shui items are legitimate and that they work.

The earlier days of my career as a practitioner were marked by delivering news that clients did not wish to hear: telling them that they had just bought a house with bad feng shui and that there was nothing much I could do to help because I could not possibly alter the layout or shift the orientation of the building.

I eventually decided that I needed to house-hunt with my clients to prevent them from getting the wrong house right from the start.

Please go through my blog posts tagged under “Feng Shui” to find case studies and stories from my journeys.

Yes, they are real people. Click on their profiles.


Or call them. I’ll give you their number. 

More On The House Hunt Process

Feng Shui House Hunt FAQs

What is the process of the house-hunt like?

As the eventual homeowner, you will have to be the proactive one in the process. My role would be to offer guidance and screen the houses you select until you find a suitable one.

The process usually follows these steps:

  • After coming onboard and making payment upfront, you will be given a few initial instructions on what to do while visiting the houses. These instructions include some general tips on what to look out for and how to take compass measurements.
  • Send me the measurements along with the floor plan. This is for the initial assessment of the house and whether it is worth considering.
  • Once I’ve received the floor plan and measurements, I will give my comments on whether to reject or shortlist the place. It will not be a complete analysis of the house but a quick assessment, “yes/no” approval, and some explanations on why I’ve rejected or accepted a place.
  • The full assessment will only come once you’ve decided on a house and am ready to purchase, after which I will close off the case and deem the service complete.

Up to 15 floor plans/houses will be screened. I will only head down onsite ONCE to the final shortlisted house you wish to purchase to double-check everything. Once the onsite is done, the remaining balance from the 15 floor plans will not be exercised, so forget about using the remaining balance for family or friends.

Why can't you head down to every single house with us?

The house-hunt service is not “perfect”. Unfortunately, I cannot be at every single house with you.

It does not make sense for me economically and efficiency-wise to head down to every single house unless I am charging for each place visited, which then does not make sense to you. We’ll have to meet in the middle, and the structure of the Feng Shui House Hunt service achieves this.

Instead of paying $1,888 x 15 ($28,000+) to audit 15 separate houses, I’m charging a fraction of that sum with the hope that I can find you and your family a good place. Please understand why you have to be involved in the process and why I can’t be physically present for each house you visit. It is your house – not mine.

What if I exceed 15 floor-plans?

It is very unlikely that you will exceed 15 floor plans unless Heavens dicates that you really don’t deserve to be in a good house.

You will be guided on what to look out for during the house-hunt process to make it more efficient, so be prepared for it to be a very iterative process with some trial and error at the beginning. No one gets it right from the start – so relax.

To date, no one has needed to use up the full 15-floor-plan limit.

Why do you believe that the house we end up in is fated?

This belief is nothing new, and it’s definitely not something I came up with. Our ancestors believed in it, too.

It’s just that my conviction in this belief grew stronger with more charts read and houses assessed. I’ve reached a point where I know this is a Chinese metaphysics and Feng Shui law and axiom. A person with a weak, low-quality BaZi chart is unlikely to end up in a good house, just like any weak plant or organism that cannot survive in an environment where everything else is thriving.

Someone’s astrological chart and their home will always paint the same story, and you must be worthy of a good house. It’s a notion that is hard for laymen to appreciate because people don’t study the lives of others through charts and the houses they stay in, but I do.

I don’t say such things to elevate my value so that people will be tempted to opt for a more expensive service. You are free to believe in what you wish, and I am merely sharing my experience and knowledge here. At the end of the day, I don’t advertise my services for a reason, and I just let nature take its course.

If you feel I am saying all these things as a marketing gimmick for you to part with your money, you’re free to engage other practitioners. I’d rather not take you on as a client.

Why house-hunt if the house we end up in is fated?

This is a good question, but it is also a chicken-and-egg question.

Even I won’t know whether the process of you getting a good house involves a practitioner or not. I don’t know where both of us stand in the cause-and-effect chain of things, and I don’t know if I’m meant to be part of that process. You’ll just have to believe in affinity.

An old Chinese saying called 福人居福地。 Places with good feng shui are meant for people with good fortunes and karma. Any practitioner worth this salt will know this is true if they’ve looked at enough BaZi charts and houses and how the stories of both house and astrology charts paint the same, congruent story.

It’s the same scenario when approaching a practitioner for a c-section date selection. If you are fated to have a child with a great chart, no one will know whether the process involves a practitioner or whether you’ll find a good practitioner – the child will simply arrive at the right time because it’s meant to be.

If you’re stuck and don’t know what to do given these scenarios, then just believe that whatever is meant to happen will happen.

Can I have a good house if my astrological chart is bad?

I can’t say for sure. It depends, and I’ve seen a lot of different scenarios.

In some cases, I’ve seen people with bad charts ending up in good houses. Perhaps because they were going through a good Elemental Phase in their charts, and their home and physical environment are meant to reflect that.

For others, I’ve seen them being forced to move out of the house as though fate decided they weren’t good enough for the place. It could be due to a divorce or financial pressure. Some moved out because they wanted an upgrade, not knowing they left a perfect house behind.

Several factors must be in the right place for you to end up in a good house:

  • If you do not wish to engage a practitioner, you must have the good fortune to find one by chance or fate.
  • If you wish to engage a practitioner, you must ensure he or she is legitimate.
  • Once you’ve engaged a practitioner, whether you can find a suitable house still depends on whether one is available and if you can outbid other buyers.

At the end of the day, a lot of things are fated. As a practitioner, I’ll do what I can, but please know that practitioners are humans too, and they can’t perform magic.

Why is the house-hunt service so expensive?

The house-hunt service is my most taxing and time-consuming service. In terms of hourly returns, it offers the lowest return for my time. The fees justify the time and effort I have to spend on hunting when it could be spent elsewhere. It is not a service I have to provide because I’m busy enough with BaZi consultations – it exists because clients want such a service.

The alternative scenario, which does not make sense for prospective clients, is to pay for every single house, and I’ll head onsite for each of them.

The fees are a middle-ground for me as a service provider and a paying client. It’s $6,888 vs $28,320 (15 houses screened in person), so I hope everyone knows where I am coming from.

Will there be a report provided in the end?

No. I do not write Feng Shui reports anymore for practical and efficiency reasons. It’s not that helpful or impactful in the long run. If I say that your house is good, please trust that it will be. I will be showing you the analysis in person anyway.

I would rather spend more time with you in person, answering your questions, sharing case studies with you, and going through your BaZi chart with you..

What does the service entail?

For any avoidance of doubt, the following are the obligations of the house hunt:

  • Screening of up to 15 floor plans.
  • One onsite visit for the shortlisted house
  • Date selection for renovation and move-in

Any other services provided, such as BaZi readings or double-checking your interior designer’s work, are considered goodwill and should not be considered part of the service.

No refunds will be entertained once the screening of the floor plans starts, and my primary obligation will be deemed complete once the onsite is done.

Engagement Fees

Tiered By House Type

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