Welcoming 2025 With A Renewed Purpose

January 1, 2025

My previous year-end reflective blog felt like yesterday. The year flew by just like that, and we’re suddenly in 2025.

I usually publish the final blog post for the year on 31st December as a tradition, but I decided to do it on 1st January instead for symbolic reasons because I’m at a point in my life now where there are a lot of new beginnings.

What can I say? 2024 has been amazing, and do I even need to explain why? Yes, 2024’s highlight was becoming a father. I have never been this tired – but I have never been this happy and fulfilled.

There is a lot to be grateful for in 2024. If you’ve been following my blog posts for 2024, you’d know why, so I won’t repeat them here. But yes, what a spectacular year filled with pleasant memories and milestones.

I’m still the way I am and how people generally perceive me. Blunt, irreverent, no BS, and whatever. You’re welcome to decide how you wish to perceive me – I don’t try to craft and manipulate this. I am the same – but also more. My consciousness has expanded; my emotional spectrum has also widened. I’m capable of perceiving more and feeling more.

I feel like I’ve grown – and it’s nice.

I Really, Really Love Being A Father

I always tell myself that I would do whatever it takes to be a good father, but I sure as hell did not expect myself to enjoy it so much until it happened.

I never thought I could love a human being whom I just met so much. Is it really because of evolution and how mammals are meant to be, or is it because our children are meant to be our expanded consciousness manifested in another body?

I still remember how I felt as I saw my son enter this world, or if I wanted to be crude, pop out of my wife’s nether regions. Me being me, the first thing I did was take a picture of the clock in the delivery room.

I felt more like a frantic imbecile in the delivery ward than a new father. One moment, I was trying to stop myself from seeing my wife being sewn up. The next moment I saw this huge chunk of red meat which is the motherf***ing placenta, and the next moment I was being called over to cut my son’s umbilical cord, followed by a routine check of whether everything that was supposed to be there, is there, his asshole included.

I held back from asking the paediatrician, “You mean some babies are born without assholes?” but I decided not to ruin the sanctity of the moment. Yes, we specifically use the word “asshole” instead of “anus”, and I suppose it is because some people’s vocabulary is so atrocious that “asshole” worked better because the last thing you need is to have to explain what an anus is to someone in a delivery ward. I eventually learned that some people are indeed born without assholes.

A man in a delivery ward is a man with an existential crisis because you are literally the most useless person in the room – which is why I think we get to cut the umbilical cord. Maximum effort in the snip – but minimal contribution in the grand scheme of things and birthings.

The daze initially subsided as we got ushered into the maternity ward, where I held my son for the first time. It was at that moment a torrent of mixed emotions and an overwhelming sense of awe and love for the tiny human started to flow. I got to feel my son’s heartbeat and breathing as he lay on my chest, and everything was so surreal.

I know what most of you are thinking. Did I choose an auspicious date for a c-section? We actually did because my wife preferred a c-section, but we both knew it still boils down to fate and that our charts would paint the same story as our children’s charts. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. Alas, the baby came early, and we decided to go for a natural birth, which turned out to be a better choice in hindsight. I’m glad the big day included some hilarity:

I’ve always silently prayed to Heavens that if the day were to come when I have a child, I want the child to be a good person who will be beneficial to society. If not, I’d rather be childless because I don’t want to bring life into this world just to suffer. I’m heartened to know that my son has a good chart, and you can tell, even at his age, from his features and vibes, that he will grow up to be a good man.

I love my son. Removing personal bias and commenting objectively – he is adorable. People will always want to interact with him when we bring him out. He makes eye contact with everyone, and he also smiles at everyone. If he likes you enough, he’d even do a small head tilt while giving you a sheepish grin. It melts anyone’s heart. You don’t even need to see his whole face to know he’s cute, especially when his eyes are able to convey the most genuine smile.

Everyone says he has my eyes.

When I first saw his chart, I knew he was my son because he has some of the most powerful synastries in astrology. My own chart says I will be close to my children, and his chart confirms it. I know I’ll have a huge presence in his life – as a parent should.

It has been 8 months, and the journey has been very fulfilling, heartwarming, and healing. There’s no word apt enough to describe the emotions you feel when you fall in love with your child.

Being a father is profoundly healing because loving my son allowed me to experience the love I was supposed to have but didn’t. It’s perfectly fine that I didn’t get to because that void now means my love for my son is as vast as the universe. It has no limits because I don’t need to benchmark it with a sickening generation of toxic parents where defiled Asian values emerged.

I pride myself on having a good head on my shoulders, and the last thing I want is to pass on generational trauma and to be a bad parent. The suffering I went through would have been for nothing, and it would be so f***ing stupid – and you should know how much I hate stupidity.

I lost count of the times I cried just by looking at him and seeing his purity and innocence. Why does he get excited by the simplest things? Why does he smile so much? It made me wish I was like him. It also makes me wonder how some of us ended up like we did and that we now have a generation of people who are so obsessed with ‘healing’ – whatever that means.

I really, really adore my son. I’m suddenly behaving in ways I never knew I could – baby talk, peekaboos, and being a fool in the house just to see him laugh. Coming home will never feel the same again, and being greeted by my wife and son at the door is a simple joy that money can not buy. I can’t wait for him to be able to walk so that he can run towards me and hug me when I get home.

Why didn’t anyone tell me that being a father was such a joy? Then again, perhaps some of you did – just that I had to go through the real thing to understand how truly magical parenthood is. Going to places you’ve been to a thousand times is suddenly a new adventure, and seeing your child being curious or entertained by the simplest things also reminds you to slow down and cherish the present.

Parenthood is not pleasurable per se due to exhaustion, but pleasure was never the equivalent of happiness. My wife and I have never been so tired, but we’ve never been so happy either.

I know it might sound morbid to talk about this and also premature, but seeing my son also reminded me of my own mortality. Life begins as fragile as it ends, and the thought of me leaving my son and possibly missing some of his milestones does feel very sobering. Seeing him grow so fast and knowing he will never be one, three, or eight months old ever again reminds me how precious time and life are.

I Could Not Be More Blessed To Be Married To My Wife

I usually like to keep my personal life private and only talk about it during special occasions and milestones, and I guess year-end posts warrant it.

My wife will always be the main character of my life. Without her, I would not have the life I have now, and I would not have had my son. I would not have felt love, and I would not have family. Life has never been the same since I met my wife. We met in 2016, and we have been married since 2019. We’ve grown a lot as individuals and as a couple, and the fun and memories we’ve had together make being alive and having a consciousness so precious. They are the kind of memories you’d want to have on your deathbed because you know you’ve lived a fulfilled life.

My wife is the quiet, reserved type. Definitely not as loud and intense as I am. She will always be charming and beautiful to me, and my heart still skips a beat when she smiles at me. I love hearing her laugh, and if you think I’m funny online, you should see what she gets in real life. I’ve always felt that she could have got any guy she wanted or married into a good family, but she chose someone with my background and never looked back or told me she regretted it. What touches me is not her appreciation of my strengths – but her acceptance of my flaws.

I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve such a wife, and I really couldn’t be more blessed.

Welcoming a child into our marriage is certainly a milestone that we told ourselves to prepare for mentally and spiritually. Seeing my wife transition into motherhood has only made me grow to love her more. I have never seen her so resilient and loving before, and seeing her and my son exchange smiles and laughter is the most amazing feeling ever. That warm and fuzzy feeling is priceless. How can a man not love his wife more after seeing all that she’s gone through, especially when she’s the spouse-uplifting, 旺夫 kind of partner?

I’m blessed to have a blissful, functional marriage with emotional intimacy and laughter (and I take credit for most of the laughter induced). I don’t want to put up a false image and say that my marriage is perfect – no marriage is – but we work on it and remind ourselves that underneath some differences, miscommunication, and friction is still love and commitment to each other.

Being an astrologer and seeing how so many marriages fall apart puts things into perspective, and it has allowed me to appreciate that my marriage is better than most – and I could not be more grateful for that.

I remind myself that loving my son also means being a better husband, and I want to love my wife as selflessly as I love my son.

The Sassy Astrologer Dad Era: Growing As A Practitioner

I will always ask myself what I can do to become a better astrologer and practitioner. There comes a point where the utility of technical knowledge hits a plateau because if you can’t see how theory manifests as reality or if you can’t understand another person’s reality, theory is practically useless.

I am still very much changing as a practitioner. If I don’t go through all these milestones the typical human being goes through, I really don’t know how I’ll advise a client and have anything constructive to say. I’ve given a lot of irreverent examples before, such as whether you’d trust a practitioner to give you advice on love and marriage when the practitioner is a virgin. Would you expect a practitioner to know your struggles as a parent if the practitioner doesn’t have a child?

I fully intend to embrace life for whatever it brings because I feel that’s required of me to become a good practitioner. Packaging myself under the guise of having special abilities, dressing up funny, and mouthing off inspirational quotes all the time is what mentally ill people do – and I’ve met plenty of them.

I’ve gone through a lot, and I’m sure all of us have. Many of my lessons were learned through pain and suffering at first, but I hope the lessons moving forward will be gentler.

There’s a lot more going on in my life now, and I’m gradually starting to feel the shift where I subconsciously choose to spend my time and energy. It’s just that most followers don’t see it because you’re only seeing what’s on my work Instagram. It’s natural for me to post only work-related ramblings and crude conversations I have with friends and clients sometimes because it’s entertaining. My personal Instagram is where I always openly declare my love and affection for my wife and son.

Whether or not you choose to believe this is up to you, but the things that used to get me worked up and angry no longer do. Of course, some cases will always get me worked up, such as toxic parents who are just pure morons and subhumans, and I will not pass up a chance to make them realise how disgusting they are. But I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I’d rather spend my time and energy loving my wife and son than be worked up about some degenerate wasting his or her life away. Frankly, me bashing Cat. 4 chart-holders is really more of a personal branding thing now. Anger is wasted time and emotional energy when it can be love for my friends and family. Besides, no one should be offended by my tirade against Cat. 4s unless you are Cat. 4 yourself.

I could not care less about someone not filling up my form properly anymore – I simply ghost and blacklist them and carry on with my life. I also couldn’t care less about haters now because the saying goes, “You’ll never find a hater doing better than you.” And it’s true. Haters will always be pathetic Cat. 4 people who can’t get their shit together, and instead of feeling anger like I used to, I pity them now because they are denying themselves so much life has to offer.

A shift in perspective really does change everything. Perhaps this is why my best 10-Year Phase just started.

The 14-Year-Old Category 4 Chart-Holder

Becoming a father does change perspectives. A thought experiment came to my mind recently, which may or may not be inspired by real-life events.

If I were ever to meet a teenager at some point who isn’t doing well in school, is getting bullied, comes from a broken family and has never felt love before. What do I say to this 14-year-old teenager, whom I know theoretically falls under a Category 4 命不好,运不好 chart? Some people don’t end up growing from their pain and suffering.

Do I assume predestination and not bother with this 14-year-old? Or do I still do what I can?

In a very twisted and harsh astrological way, some people are born Category 4, and prescience can sometimes be the astrologer’s curse because if I know a child’s life is set, do I still bother? What if it’s my own son?

I hate that education feels more like churning out machines for the economy these days instead of preparing us for life. If I had a chance to engage children and teenagers, I would package the topics I talk about on my blog in a way they can absorb and appreciate. You can be sure I will have deep conversations with my son about life, suffering, and happiness.

There’s also the question of what I would want to teach my son to do when he’s put in the same position. Do I want my son to be compassionate towards Cat. 4 chart-holders? How will he exercise such compassion, and what would compassion mean to him? Again, I will discuss such things with him as he matures into adulthood.

I don’t think I would speak to a 14-year-old like I speak to an adult Cat. 4 chart-holder. It should be common sense that people’s minds and spirits take time to develop. I don’t expect a 14-year-old to know why they are alive or make sense of the things they are going through. So no, I don’t think it’s right to chastise a 14-year-old Cat.4 chart-holder like how I would an adult, although I feel that there comes a point where age is no longer a factor.

On the flip side, do I try to speak to an adult Cat. 4 while imagining that I’m speaking to their inner child then? What’s the point if I do? Will it even be effective? I don’t think I need to discuss this because you – the adult reading this – should already know whether you should hold yourself to the standards of an adult or that of a child. Every single year, in fact, every single day is an opportunity for change – and this is something everyone should know by the time they finish their first Saturn Return.

Life has its way of teaching you lessons – whether or not you choose to accept those lessons with grace and humility is up to you.

We can waste our entire lives debating who suffered more, waiting for people to validate our pain, or we can choose to end the suffering and grow – which I know is no easy feat, and it takes a tremendous amount of will and humility. Be that as it may, no one can make that choice for you because your life is yours. Take some responsibility.

Coming back to the fable of the 14-year-old Category 4 chart-holder. What should one do? I will seek answers to this in the next ten years. Perhaps, just perhaps, when I am in my 60s, the middle-aged person will feel like a 14-year-old to me.

Diversifying What I Do With Astrology At Its Core

2024 has opened up many possibilities, many of which have been inspired by my new stage in life.

I believe the value of knowledge can be multiplied exponentially when it is synthesised – just like how artificial intelligence is finding its way into so many industries and changing how we do things.

My ten years as an astrologer have allowed me to meet remarkable people, some of which have become close friends and allies. I’ve had the opportunity to bring people together to form a trusted circle, and we have plans to work on things together, with each of us tapping on our unique skills. The no-BS way of conducting myself over the past decade has allowed me to build trust with people, and we see the good in each other, and it would be a shame if we didn’t try to work on something together.

It’s not like there’s anything to hide, so I’ll share the plans here. My work as a practitioner has allowed me to meet people from consulting, investments, law, and whatever. I’m exploring the possibility of setting up a fund with some people, and it could be an asset management or private equity thing. I have a finance degree, which I hope stays relevant, and I am even dabbling in financial astrology now, which I say with some confidence really works. If I know who is meant to succeed and who is meant to fail, being in a position where funds can be deployed makes things very, very interesting.

The projects and plans we’re discussing are still in their infant stages, but I have the right people in place, and we’re just waiting for the stars to align. Maybe it’ll work out, maybe it won’t. But the point is – I’m going to try because why not? I have nothing to lose, and I have the stars and planets guiding me.

I’m at the point in my life where I really want to provide more for my family, and deciphering BaZi charts for $488 will not get me there fast enough. The value of what I know about astrology can be fully extracted when it works with other fields, and I’d very much prefer to work on such projects than to waste my time with Category 4 people who have shit for brains or feel that success has to come at the expense of others.

To put things another way, I am looking for ways to earn more. Much, much more. But it will never be through unethical means because any astrologer should know karma is real and that you can never run away from Saturn. I hope whatever happens, the value my allies and I can create will truly have an impact. Whatever will be worked on will probably take another ten years.

I’m also yearning for professional growth, which has to go beyond simply giving readings, especially when I know I’m capable of more. The arrival of my son has inspired me to shift my focus to being a more competent individual. My love for him and my wife has made me realise scoffing at Cat. 4 chart-holders and practitioners who are downright imbeciles is a waste of time, and there will come a point where my knowledge of astrology will be applied on a completely different level – for business, and hopefully for society. I really don’t care about whether people wish to remain ignorant about astrology and Chinese metaphysics anymore.

Again, a shift in perspective changes everything, and I know it doesn’t just come about because you want it to. It cannot be forced, which is why 2024 was incredibly transformational. I never expected parenthood to be the impetus for this shift.

I’ve had a fantastic 30s, and I hope the seeds that are being planted now will make my 40s spectacular.

There’s A Lot To Be Grateful For

Unless I really suck at what I do (which I know I don’t), the 40 years of positive 10-Year Phases indicated in my BaZi chart has just begun. I’m about to hit the period where both the 10-Year Phase and Annual Phase are on my side, and it felt like the past few years, which weren’t easy by the way, were preparing me for it. By the time I’m done with these 10-Year Phases, I should be preparing to step into my grave, and how my life ends will depend on how I choose to live it.

It all ends someday, which is why I remind myself to be grateful. You only get to experience life with the limited number of years you have.

2024 gave me a renewed sense of purpose, thanks to my family. Although, f*** me because 2025 is my ‘Fan Tai Sui’ year, which I hope will go easy on me.

Thanks to all my friends, clients, and followers, I also have a renewed gratitude. Thank you for seeing past the facade and persona and knowing that many of the things you see and read are but a small, irreverent side of me that I use to cope with the harshness of reality – that we exist in a world where suffering permeates everywhere, and that useless low-lives who exploit others exist.

In other words, I know I can be pretty nice – but selectively. *wink wink*

2024 has seen my family grow, as well as my friendships grow. I’ve made many new friends this year whom I know will be with me for the rest of my life.

A part of me will always be the same. I will always detest stupid people – Category 4 dipshits with chips on their shoulders, who are unable to feel empathetic joy, with no self-awareness, refuse to grow, and who can only blame everyone else for their suffering.

But as much as part of me will always be the same… I’m also glad that parts of me are still growing and evolving. I have experienced so many new things in my 30s. As written in my charts – life truly began in my 30s.

Friendships. Family. Freedom. Purpose. Love. I got to experience them all.

A Letter To My Son – If You Ever See This (I’ll Make Sure You F***ing Do)

I chuckle at the thought of explaining what I do for a living someday. You might wonder why you see your friend’s fathers in office attire all the time, whereas your dad is always in sweatpants and Birkenstocks. You might even wonder why I’m at home so often, but I hope you won’t get sick of my company. Understanding my story and why I’m the way I am will take you a while. I hope I’m still around by the time you do, and I hope you’ll be proud to call me your father.

You are special. You are the only person in the world with your surname because I will not allow you to be part of my cursed surname. A new bloodline starts with you, and I hope it imbues you with a sense of purpose in future.

I hope you will someday realise how much you mean to me and how much you’ve changed me and healed me as a person. Everything I went through was worth it because you and your mother are here. I promise I will be there at all your milestones – your graduation, competitions, and wedding.

I want you to have a happy childhood – and you will – because I cannot imagine you going through what I did in all your innocence and purity. I do not want you to feel that life is just about suffering, especially when you are just a child – because life can also be beautiful.

I will remind you that your growth sometimes encompasses pain and suffering. Do not fear and run away from them – it is required for you to grow to be a strong, resilient, and wise person. These are nature’s laws. You will fall and make mistakes, but remember to get up. I will be there to catch you. Be kind and compassionate, but exercise these virtues with wisdom.

There might be moments where I might be harsh, but I hope you understand it’s my way and my duty to prepare you for the world out there because not everyone will have a kind heart like you. Be a good person worthy of Heavens’ blessings.

I will teach you everything I know, and I hope you’ll pass it on to your children someday. I want you to be better than I ever could be. Do not waste this very precious life of yours.

Last but not least, I want you to love your mother the way I never could, for your love for her will be purer and more selfless than mine ever could be. Never be rude to her, and honour her because she has given you life and nourished you since the day you were born. You do not know how lucky you are to have her as your mother.

Your mother and I are so glad you’re here with us. You’ve given us so much joy and happiness and precious memories, and we will always love you. We will always be your safe harbour, and you do not have to be afraid of sharing your feelings and vulnerabilities with us. Our job and calling is to guide you and make you feel loved – and we will.

This year-end post is not as long as the previous one because I am at peace. There is no need to convince anyone of who I am, what I am, or what I’m trying to do anymore. If you still have doubts- please just f*** the Hell off because simpletons really bore me. I only answer to the law and to Heavens.

I have friends, family, a wife, and a son to love. Their health and happiness are the only things I care about now.

I have never felt more whole and fulfilled, and I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring.

– Sean

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