Children Articles

Don’t Be Your Child’s Biggest Burden: Toxic Parents From A Metaphysics Perspective

I hope everyone's coping well with the current COVID-19 situation and everyone has not gone insane from staying at home yet. I'm going to warn everyone here first and say that this is an emotionally charged post, so turn away if you're thinking "There goes one of...

Using BaZi & Zi Wei Dou Shu To Look At Health Complications

Hi everyone, I've not been blogging as regularly as the consultations keep coming in. The Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day spike gets more overwhelming with each passing year. Yes - there is a spike in consultations during Valentine's Day too for reasons everyone...

Using BaZi For Child-Planning & Health Matters: How Chinese Metaphysics Is Still Relevant

Hey everyone! I told you I'd be blogging more often! It's funny how even fate wants me to take a break as I caught the flu right after I resigned from the company. Thankfully, it's not a serious case. If I'm not wrong, the flu season is coming soon, so do take care,...

C-Section Date Selection: Why It’s Not So Easy

I think we all agree that one of the big blessings in life is to have a good child that grows up well. If you've been following my blog and seeing how I've been describing people with bad bazi charts, I'm sure you'll be worried that your child ends up in that...