Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗數) Articles

When You Trust Your Money With Someone With A Bad BaZi Chart: A Case Study On Do Kwon

This post is going to feel a little bit all over the place. There's an interesting case study in this post but there are also a lot of reminders of some of the things I've said - which should be no surprise. Before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I lost money on...

Follower Chart Case Study (从强格): Intelligent Person Who Made Bad Decisions

This case study brings together some of the topics I’ve written about before, such as identifying Follower charts and what ‘luck’ is or isn’t. The focus of this post won’t be on how exactly to identify a Follower chart (從格), but something more important, which is this...

Can You ‘Change’ Your BaZi & Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart?

Hey everyone! I am still very much alive. Busy juggling two jobs and, most of the time, burning my weekends. I hardly have time to write on my blog. If there's anything I enjoy most about this sideline of mine, it's writing blog posts and sharing my thoughts on this...

An Introduction To Zi Wei Dou Shu & How To Read The Charts

Before I start, try to refrain from calling Zi Wei Dou Shu "Purple Star Astrology" because it sounds extremely silly. There is nothing "purple" about this star even though Zi here means purple in Chinese. 'Zi Wei' is another term for the emperor. I've added a webpage...