Qi Men Dun Jia Case Study: The Importance Of Tactical Decisions

September 29, 2021

This isn’t something I broadcast a lot on my blog or social media, but I’ve been using Qi Men Dun Jia for some of my clients involved in lawsuits. Fortunately for most of my clients, things always work out in their favour, and they eventually win the case. Some even chose not to pursue things further after a consultation with me.

The case study in this entry was not my client. It’s a moderately high-profile case of two local athletes where one sued the other for defamation. The defendant lost the case and was ordered to pay damages but is now filing an appeal hoping to turn the case around.

Whatever I write here has nothing to do with my opinions or judgements on who is right or wrong. This post is coming from a professional angle using Chinese metaphysics. I’m just a detached observer and practise Qi Men Dun Jia whenever I encounter an interesting case.

(Read in a light-hearted tone) I am also charging way too low for the amount of money I can help people save. *Peace sign*

The Context And My Initial Thoughts

It was a Saturday afternoon when I took out my phone and generated the chart, much like how I casually generated a chart for the 2020 US Presidential Elections. I was chilling at my friend’s place after finishing a feng shui audit in the morning. We were chit-chatting about life and some recent news which eventually led us to the case of the two local athletes embroiled in the defamation lawsuit.

Below is the chart generated on 25th September’21:

Most people have been taught for some weird reason that you need to sit and face some auspicious direction to get an accurate chart or reading, which I find to be a marketing gimmick and utter hogwash. Truth be told, I was slouched on a bean bag on the floor when this chart was generated. I was sincere, or rather focused, though, in asking the question.

I have to reiterate that whenever I generate a Qi Men Dun Jia chart, it never fails to amaze me how it speaks to me and how relevant it is to the question asked. It is really as though the chart knows when and what kind of question you will ask. Qi Men Dun Jia is not magic, as I always say, but rather a study of space and time and how things manifest in our world over time. It always goes back to the saying 「在天成象, 在地成形, 在人成事」。 Whatever is observed in the Heavens will have a physical manifestation on Earth, which naturally includes human life and its complexities.

Qi Men Dun Jia is amazing because it encapsulates all these laws and expresses them in the form of a chart, and although it looks like a mere snapshot of time, there is an element of time unfolding expressed in the chart as well.

How the Chinese sages assigned the symbols to the various objects, people, and even ideals is beyond my abilities to put down in writing for now, but all we have to know for now is that these are assigned through nature’s laws, and there is a logic behind it.

Breaking Down The Chart

It’s not difficult to use Qi Men Dun Jia for lawsuits, as I have demonstrated in a previous blog post. We need to know where and what to look at:

  • 值符 will represent the plaintiff.
  • 天乙 will represent the defendant.
  • 开门 represents the judge.
  • 惊门 would represent lawyers.
  • 六合 represents evidence or witnesses.

Because now that it has reached a stage where an appeal is needed, we need to consider the following:

  • Would 值符 still represent the plaintiff and 天乙 the defendant? Would the roles be reversed?
  • The symbol representing court appeals would also need to be taken into account, which would be 景门。

Based on my observations, the process of interpreting the chart and the ‘Yong Shen’ (用神) are pretty much still similar. Just that we need to take note of the role reversal here.

Here’s what I see:

  • It’s quite clear that we’ll be using 值符 to represent the appellant because the roles have switched, and the original defendant is now the initiator of the new suit. The point is that there is a new initiator for this situation, so we need to adjust and not blindly stick to the original symbols when the situation changes. 值符 sits with 辛 Metal, which happens to be the birth year of the appellant, so there is no doubt that we should use the original defendant, now appellant, represented by 值符。 Coincidence? I wouldn’t think so.

  • 天乙 represents the original plaintiff (now quasi-defendant), and it is where 天英 is. You would be very surprised to learn that the sector representing the quasi-defendant also has 丙 in there, which just so happens to be the birth year of the defendant. Coincidence? I also wouldn’t think so. I will refer to the original plaintiff or quasi-defendant as “defendant” for the remainder of the post for ease of reading.

  • 值符 is in the Fire sector of 离 whereas the defendant is in the Earth sector of 坤。 Fire gives birth to Earth, so the usual way of assessing this is that the plaintiff will eventually ask to settle with the defendant or ‘give in’. But we’ll need to dig deeper to see if this settlement is voluntary or forced by judgement.

  • Now, does it not surprise anyone that the appellants 辛 is sitting on 丙, which is the symbol representing the defendant (original plaintiff)? It clearly shows that whatever is happening now is somewhat personal. 辛 + 丙 is also known as 干合悖师 which can represent someone being rash or irrational, especially when it’s coupled with an inauspicious gate which is 伤门 in this case. The appellant’s sector (离 Fire) also opposes the sector representing the appeal (兑 Metal).

  • One interesting thing to point out is that the sector representing the defendant and appeal both has 空亡 in there, and it’ll be very interesting to assess what this 空亡 means exactly. Does it mean the appeal is void and will be rejected by the courts? And does that mean the defendant is at a disadvantage because 空亡 appears in the sector he’s at? Most hobbyists will feel that 空亡 being in the sector representing the defendant means he’s weak and has no case, but is that the proper understanding of 空亡?

  • Looking at where 辛 Metal is on the Earth chart (地盘) is even more interesting. It’s in 巽 on the top-left and sits below 壬 Water. This has a lot of significance when we’re using Qi Men Dun Jia for lawsuits because of what 壬 Water represents. It represents a jail, but it’s not that the appellant will end up in jail. It’s a sign of the case’s outcome and who will be shunned, so to speak.

  • Let’s bring a bit of attention to the sector representing the defendant (original plaintiff): You’ll see 丙 + 癸 there, which is known as 华盖悖师, which is a symbol for being harmed or someone causing trouble. The position of 丙 Fire and the Gate that appears (杜门) suggests he’s not in the mood for this anymore for practical reasons, but spirit-wise, he’ll definitely still fight this as 天英 appears, and it is in a very strong position.

  • Now, you might be asking whether we can assess how much trouble this 癸 Water will be and what will happen. We can, of course. This 癸 Water is not going to harm 丙 Fire at all because 癸 Water here is also in its Tomb (墓) position. We can even look at where 癸 Water is on the Heavens chart (天盘) to see exactly how it’ll impact our 丙 Fire defendant.

  • Lastly, we can also assess the position representing the judge and how it relates to the positions of the appellant, defendant, and appeal, as well as who he/she favours in the judgement. I will refrain from commenting too much on this for obvious reasons, as this concerns the judges and courts.

One last final signal in the chart shows a clear disadvantage. In Qi Men Dun Jia, there are three harms or ‘disadvantages’ we call 三害 which refer to 墓,击刑,空亡。 Each sector has a different effect on the 10 Heavenly Stems, so please take note of where 辛 Metal resides and ask yourself if this is a good position for 辛 Metal to be in.

The signs are very, very clear to me. My professional opinion is that the wise move is to not go ahead with the appeal, as no good outcome will come from this.

The appellant is clearly at a disadvantage here. There is hardly any positive sign showing up in the charts other than the fact that the relevant signs and sectors in the chart are all in an ’empowered’ state, meaning this event is going to happen and that the appellant will take action (which we already know). Being in an ’empowered’ state does not signify an advantage, only the speed and intensity of the event. The point is whether taking action is the right move to do here.

Based on the above chart, I don’t think the appeal will be rejected outright, and it will still move to the Court of Appeal. Still, my professional opinion is that it won’t have any material impact on the original verdict.

When Will It Manifest?

I’ve always said that assessing a Qi Men Dun Jia chart is sometimes pointless without figuring out when things will manifest. Because if you can’t act on it timely, the Qi Men Dun Jia chart is as good as useless. If you’re oblivious to the timeline of events, you won’t be able to make effective decisions because things can unfold in days, months, and even years. Most issues are time-sensitive, so ideally, we can figure out when the event will unfold so it won’t hold as much weight.

I guess knowing when the events will manifest in the case of this lawsuit is less relevant as we need legal proceedings to run their due course, and it’s out of the appellant’s control. We can still look at when the above issues stated in the charts will manifest just out of curiosity.

From the looks of the chart, it’ll likely settle in the 未 month of 2022, meaning everything will come to a formal conclusion in July 2022 next year, with the judge only laying eyes on this case earliest by January of 2022.

Let’s see what happens.

Assessing Other Areas Meanwhile

This is a bit of hindsight bias, but I thought it’d still be interesting to point out. The appellant started a crowdfunding campaign four days after the above Qi Men Dun Jia chart was generated. It begs the question: Was this shown in the above chart?

It definitely is, and I suspected he did not have the money to pay the initial damages when I first saw the chart.

We need to look at 戊 Earth (representing money and capital) and where it resides:

  • It sits in 乾, its Tomb (墓) sector, which clearly shows that he will struggle financially.
  • This financial aspect will be huge for him because 戊 sits on 己 and 己 itself represents a pit or hole, so it’s money he’s not going to be able to summon up. Furthermore, 己 Earth here can also be seen as 2021’s Tai Sui (太岁), which amplifies everything.

A Qi Men Dun Jia chart can also conveniently point out what else is happening in a given situation, and it looks at a situation from an eagle-eye view from multiple angles.

Why Tactical Decisions Are Important

I don’t need to elaborate much on why tactical decisions are important. A single decision can alter the course of many things, and I guess the above case study is a good example of how Qi Men Dun Jia can help you alter the course even without the person’s birth details.

The appellant put his birth details on social media, and I generated his BaZi chart. All I can say is that whatever is happening now is definitely written in the charts, and even his BaZi chart points out that things are about to get a lot worse. This whole saga started in 2015, escalated in 2018, and blew up in 2021. If you had the BaZi chart of the appellant, you would be able to see how things slowly unfolded over the years. It’s not come to a point where he can only hypothetically use Qi Men Dun Jia to see how not to make things even worse. Like I always say, it’s important to look at a BaZi chart holistically and see how each year and 10-year phase are interconnected.

Qi Men Dun Jia is useful because it can help one avert these things written in our charts and point things out much more clearly than using BaZi alone. It’s not one’s BaZi chart that cannot deduce these things and give a client the proper advice to avert these things, but one would have to dive into the individual months to do so, and there will be a complex question of when an event starts and ends.

Qi Men Dun Jia allows you to skip that cumbersome process and tell you the answer upfront, even without someone’s birth details or exact birth time. The snapshot in time expressed through a Qi Men Dun Jia chart already describes the current state and how things unfold. I guess that’s why it’s so popular now and being practised and sold by many practitioners in the industry. It is the easiest Chinese metaphysics technique to pick up, and I can see why it’s appealing, but like any other astrological method, difficult to master analyzing a chart is not possible with linear thinking alone.

The aim of Chinese metaphysics is to hopefully use what our ancestors passed down to avert all these things, but sadly, most people are quick to dismiss this ancient art and call it hogwash. As I always say, not everyone is meant to benefit from this.

Like I always say, knowing Qi Men Dun Jia doesn’t mean you can live however you want. We’re still meant to go through whatever our charts say we’re meant to go through. In the case above and like all of the cases I’ve put down on my blog, you can’t help but wonder if the course could have been altered. The person involved may never get in touch with Chinese metaphysics or the right practitioner. Even if he did, knowing what we know about him, he’s unlikely to listen.

If you’re interested in the basics of reading a Qi Men Dun Jia chart, you can refer to this blog post: How To Read A Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) Chart?

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